Hakka Life Experience Village@ Lai Chi Wo
The Project’s specific objectives are:
(a) To develop a base for conserving and promoting Hakka village culture, by restoring and re-building a cluster of selected buildings in Lai Chi Wo Village
(b) To establish a viable social enterprise making wise use of this asset to generate income for maintaining the buildings and provide employment opportunities for the village community

The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation Ltd was established in 2011, at the initiative of Sir David Akers-Jones and Mr C Y Leung, to provide a vehicle to enable people keen to conserve the countryside for the long-term benefit of Hong Kong public to come together and work to turn dreams into projects which could be implemented step by step. It is a not-for-profit organization registered formally as a “company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital”.
The Hong Kong Countryside Foundation Ltd is established with the following objectives::
To secure for the long-term public benefit conservation and restoration of the countryside, habitats, natural landscape and biological diversity of Hong Kong, including their associated natural and cultural heritage (together the “Natural Assets”) by holding and managing such Natural Assets together with associated lands and funds and providing public education in conservation.
To assist the implementation of international standards of protection relevant to the Natural Assets by adopting international principles and conventions.
To promote awareness, education and understanding of the importance of the Natural Assets and their conservation.
To develop and implement methods which provide incentives for such conservation.
To safeguard the Natural Assets of the environment of Hong Kong.