
已回收家居及建築廢料、收集可重用建築材料及清理倒塌物料Interior view of the houses (LOT 210,211,212) after salvaging of household relics, collection of reusable building materials and removal of collapsed materials, dirt and garbage.

承建商承包地盤清理工作,在200,210-213,285和200地段進行清理雜物及記錄,以便清空室內地方,將來作研究及復修工作。此外,200, 228, 285, 210 - 213 and 286SA地段房屋在施工前,亦進行了製圖及攝影調查,以記錄其狀況。
site clearance works were conducted by another contractor, to remove debris and salvage historic relics from the house lot 200, 210-213, 285 and 200 to facilitate internal access, survey and future restoration works.
Besides, cartographic and photographic surveys were conducted to document existing conditions of the village houses before commencement of works for house lot 200, 228, 285, 210 - 213 and 286SA.